Technical re-equipment of the power unit No. 9 at Reftinskaya GRES


The construction and assembly company Pride has commenced a set of works on the technical re-equipment of the power unit No. 9 at Reftinskaya GRES PJSC Enel Russia.
Since 2014, Reftinskaya GRES has been carrying out a large-scale technical re-equipment of power plants, which will reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

For reference: Reftinskaya GRES is a thermal coal power station with a total installed capacity of 3800 MW. The power plant consists of 6 power units of 300 MW and 4 power units of 500 MW each. The installed heat capacity is 350 Gcal / h.
Ekibastuz coal is used as the main fuel at Reftinskaya GRES. The share of electricity generated at Reftinskaya GRES from the total amount of electricity consumed by the Sverdlovsk region is about 40%. (Information source and photo: official website of PJSC “Enel Russia”