Technical re-equipment of the power unit No. 9 at Reftinskaya GRES


The construction and assembly company Pride has commenced a set of works on the technical re-equipment of the power unit No. 9 at Reftinskaya GRES PJSC Enel Russia.
Since 2014, Reftinskaya GRES has been carrying out a large-scale technical re-equipment of power plants, which will reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

For reference: Reftinskaya GRES is a thermal coal power station with a total installed capacity of 3800 MW. The power plant consists of 6 power units of 300 MW and 4 power units of 500 MW each. The installed heat capacity is 350 Gcal / h.
Ekibastuz coal is used as the main fuel at Reftinskaya GRES. The share of electricity generated at Reftinskaya GRES from the total amount of electricity consumed by the Sverdlovsk region is about 40%. (Information source and photo: official website of PJSC “Enel Russia”

The new site “Niznhekamskneftehim”


The Pride Group of Companies has concluded an agreement on the execution of construction works for the installation of a mid-pressure torch pipeline on existing trestles at the facility “Production of isobutylene with a capacity of 160 thousand tons per year” of PJSC “Nizhnekamskneftekhim”, Republic of Tatarstan. This is the second object in recent years in this region. Recently the Pride completed the installation of a waste-heat boiler and a chimney at Kazan CHP-1.

Builder’s Day!


The group of companies “Pride” congratulates all colleagues and partners on their professional holiday!
Wish you success and growth!

Re-equipment of the power unit n.9 at Reftinslaya power station (Enel Russia)


Reftinskaya GRES has been carrying out large-scale technical re-equipment of all power units since 2014. Modernization of power units is allowed to improve the reliability and efficiency of the equipment and significantly reduce fuel consumption. In 2014-2016. “Pride” performed work on the replacement of bag filters, smoke exhausters and RVP at power units No. 4 and No. 7. Since March of this year, the company “Pride” has begun work on the replacement of electrofilters at the power unit No. 1.

Video about works at the site “SUAL-Silicon Ural”


The Pride Group of companies carried out a complex of works on installation of a gas cleaning unit: a bag filter unit and a gas flue route at SUAL-Silicon Ural (part of RUSAL). As a result, more than 1,200 tons of metal structures were installed.
See the video about the installation of the gas cleaning unit at SUAL-Silicon Urals on our YouTube channel.

See a preview video of the finished object

Happy International Women’s Day!


Dear women!

The group of companies “Pride” congratulates you on this beautiful spring holiday!

Inspire and be inspired!

We wish for happiness, joy, bright and warm spring to you!

A feedback about our work at the site of SUAL Cremny (Silicon) Ural


Group of companies Pride has received a positive feedback from the Customer on the work done at the site of SUAL-Silicon Urals.
In the period from October 2016g to February 2017, the Pride performed the following works:
– installation of gas pipeline routes with a diameter of 2000mm and 4000mm, with a total volume of 600 tons;
– installation of process equipment (smoke exhausters, cyclones), piping of smoke exhausters with gas flues, connection to a chimney, volume 150 tons;
– installation of metal structures of the frame of the BRF (fabric filter unit), height H = 36 m, total volume of 500 tons.

Group of companies Pride expresses gratitude to the management and technical specialists of the Customer OOO “ISK” for the high confidence and efficient work! We hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation!

The full text of feedback you can read in the “Our partners” page.

Pride has completed the works at Kamensk-Uralsky


Pride Group of Companies has completed the installation of the gas cleaning complex of SUAL-Silicon Ural (part of UC RUSAL): the building of the bag filter unit (BRF) of the gas cleaning unit and the gas flue route. As a result of our work, our company installed 1200 tons of metal structures.

OOO SUAL-Silicon-Ural specializes in the production of silicon refined and technical grade. The total capacity is 27 thousand tons per year.
In the production of silicon, dusty gases are formed, requiring further purification by means of gas cleaning equipment. The construction of gas cleaning facilities at the enterprise is of great importance for the ecology of Kamensk-Uralsky.

Photos of the stages of work, see at the “Objects” page.

A new Certificate SRO


In connection with the adoption of the Federal Law of 7.3.2016 number 372-FZ “On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (entered into force on 07.05.2016) OOO “SMK” Pride” has received a new certificate of admission to a particular type or types of work, which affect the security of capital construction (Certificate SRO). The new certificate is issued 02.02.2017 by Association self-regulatory organization “Builders of the Sverdlovsk region.” The certificate is placed in the section “Certificates”.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Happy New 2017!

The Day of energy!


Group of companies “Pride” congratulates power engineering specialists on their professional holiday – the Day of energy!

The Day of Defender of the Fatherland!


Dear colleagues, dear man!
We congratulate you on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland!
We wish all the healthy men, prosperity, love and peace!

Drinking water tanks of 2000m3 for Puoltry farm “Sverdlovskaya”


There are final works of the tank’s roof at the Puoltry farm “Sverdlosvskaya” by group of companies PRIDE. That tanks are designed for drinking water supply for 1 200 000 сhikens.

Video of the completed site “Assembly of service building of machine engineering plant UralSpecTrans”


In 2016 Group of companies PRIDE has completed the assembly of steel strucutres for service building of machine engineering plant UralSpecTrans.

Look the video of the completed site!

Group of companies PRIDE performs “turn key” construction of buildings of high complexity!
✔ Industrial buildings and premises
✔ Industrial facilities and equipment
✔ Warehousing and logistics centers
✔ Athletic facilities
✔ Shopping and entertainment and business complexes
✔ Agricultural industry
✔ Fabrication and assembly of technological equipment at industrial plants.

Assembly of steel structures of the building of pitch fumes bag filter


Group of companies PRIDE сountinious an assembly at the site of the SUAL-Kremniy Ural Llc. (Urals Silicon) located ar Kamensk-Uralsky. At the picture – the building of pitch fumes bag filter.

Assembly of machinery at the “URALS FOIL”


As part of the modernization program of JSC “Urals foil”, which is part of the OK “Rusal”, the group of companies “Pride” carries out the installation of aluminum annealing furnace (75 tons) of the company SECO / Warwick. “Urals foil” is one of the fastest growing companies of foil industry in Russia. Production capacity is 16 500 tons of aluminum. The company is located in Mihaylovsk, Sverdlovsk region.
Installation of equipment is one of the activities of the group of companies “Pride.” Availability of qualified personnel enables to do the installation of special technological equipment with high quality and in time.

There is new airplane shed at Koltsovo airport that places four business jets or one Boeing-737


Yekaterinburg news portal E1.RU published the news about the new aircraft shed at the airport “Koltsovo” in Yekaterinburg. We recall that the group of companies “Pride” did the complex of works on this site, namely, the production of steel frame and its’ installation.
Link to the news:

Assembly of framework at gas cleaning unit for the RUSAL – global aluminium producer


Group of companies PRIDE is carrying out assembly works at the sites of the biggest aluminium giant RUSAL. RUSAL operates in 19 countries on 5 continents. Сurrently, PRIDE has been doing an assembly of framework of a gas cleaning unit at the site of the SUAL-Kremniy Ural Llc. (Urals Silicon) located ar Kamensk-Uralsky. What kind of other works PRIDE performs for RUSAL corparation read in next posts.

Installation of 2nd roll of reservoir of drinking water for the RVS-2000 for the Poultry farm “Sverdlovskaya”


At the site Poultry farm “Sverdlovsk” the second reservoir of drinking water RVS-2000 is installed. Installation is carried out in several stages. Tanks with a diameter of 12 m are completely welded at the factory and are rolled. The roll is delivered to the site and is installed in the design position. Before unfolding the roll bonded loop of the rope, the end of which is fixed on the tractor or winch. Rods, that fastens a roll, are cut by the oxygen and loosening the loop of the rope allows the roll to unfold. After forming the end part of the walls, field that joints walls is welded . In the photo – the stage of unfolding the walls.

Tank RVS-2000 for puoltry farm “Sverdlovskaya”


Group of companies PRIDE has signed the contract for fabrication and assembly of tanks for drinking water of type RVS-2000 for puoltry farm “Sverdlovskaya”. It should be reminded that apart from quickly erectable structures PRIDE fabricates and assemble technological equipment like tanks, chimneys. ducts, and other non-standard equipment.

Group of companies PRIDE expands the geography of work


Group of companies “Pride” expands the geography of work! SMK “Pride” has signed a contract for the installation of the waste-heat boiler with the chimney at Kazanskaya Center Heating and Power Plant -1 (CHPP). Kazanskaya CHPP-1 is the first thermal electric power plant in the Republic of Tatarstan, was put into operation on July 1, 1933. and was based on the Soviet Union electrification plan. This power plant is located in the city of Kazan on the lake Middle Kaban. Is the generating capacity of the Russian JSC “Generation Company”. Photo source:

Builder’s Day!


The group of companies “Pride” congratulates all colleagues and partners on their professional holiday!
Wish you success and growth!

Steel structures for commercial center “LENTA”


Known federal retailer “Lenta” has began an active expansion in the Urals region. Group of companies “Pride” has started production of steel structures for shopping mall “Lenta” in Kamensk-Uralsky. Let us recall that the two shopping centers are already presented in Nizhny Tagil, 3 hypermarkets will be opened in Yekaterinburg and one shopping mall has been built in the Kamensk-Uralsk.

The Russia Day!


Group of companies “Pride” congratulates with the Russia Day! Russia Day is a holiday, which marks the beginning of the modern history of our country. June 12, 1990 the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia were approved.



Group of companies “Pride” is completely switched to a new logo and corporate identity.
The new firm style is a new milestone in the development of the company. The key idea behind the logo is the quality and safety of fabrication and assembling of metal structures of any complexity. The new logo is bright, modern and unusual for the construction sector. Group of companies “Pride” is ready for bold, unconventional, but at the same time, technological and professional solutions in all aspects of its activities.
Web-site of group of companies “Pride” www.смк-прайд.рф has also been updated in accordance with new corporate logo.

9th of May Victory Day!


Happy May Day!


Wish you active holydays!

Interview with the head of Pride’s construction department about of building in Miass


In 2015, the company “UralSpetsTrans” started the construction of a service-production building. All works on the assembling of metal structures held group of companies “Pride.” Head Anatoly Petelin came to the site to evaluate the results. Watch the video interview here

The construction of aircraft hangars


In 2016, our company completes the construction of a hangar for storage of aircraft at the airport “Koltsovo” in Ekaterinburg. During the construction of 2000 tons of steel were used, which were manufactured in our factory. The most important step in the manufacture of steel structures is the control assembly. The area of our metal structures plant is 30,000 m2, which allows to make fit-up assembly test of large structures. After manufacturing of steel structures for hangar aircraft on the production site was made fit-up assembly test of a frame variable section span of 54 m.
Look the details about that project

The construction of sewage treatment plants in the nord of Russia


In 2015, in the nord town Nyagan (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District), the construction of sewage treatment plants has started ( “COS”). Group of companies “Pride” has manufactured and installed equipment for biological treatment workshops: aerotanks with aerozine system and sedimentations. Initially, the entire project, “COS” had to be commissioned in early 2016. However, the project has undergone an adjustment station – water treatment plant will be equipped with more modern facilities. Construction of the “COS” in Nyagan in the reportage of journalists of TV channel “Russia Yugoria»:

Support for children’s sports


Every day at the ice arena in the village Reftinskiy, metal constructions for which were manufactured in our factory, are training young players. Group of companies “Pride” supports children’s sports and sponsoring children’s sporting events of different directions in the village Reftinskiy Sverdlovsk region. We are pleased to participate in sport and help the younger generation, which seeks to make progress in the sport.



Lovely woman! Male staff of the “Pride” company congratulates you on the upcoming International Women’s Day! Wish you happiness, love, inspiration and warm weekend!



Group of companies “Pride” congratulates all its partners, suppliers with New Year and Christmas!
Warmest wishes for the holidays!
Good health, joyful mood, well-being at home and inspiration at work!

Launch of the environmental project on the use of ash


The launch of the environmental project on the use of ash at Reftinskaya GRES has occurred – the system of dry ash removal, which will save hundreds of hectares of forest. Under this project, group of companies “Pride” had carried out an installation of coolers of a compressor plant and the system of instrumentation air, as well as other works on installation of steel structures. Our company is proud that we have managed to make a small contribution to the environment of our region. We hope that such projects will be more. How did the ceremonial launch of ash-and-slad removal system Reftinskaya power station – in the story of journalists Regional TV: